About Us
Welcome to
Coffee, Book, & Candle
We're a book blog hosted by two reader-writer friends who share a love of all things fantasy, fairytale, & witchy. We launched this site in 2020 with a goal to create a cozy space for book reviews & writing tips. Since then, we've grown as creators & indie business owners, and we're excited to keep expanding our nook!
Find out more about the witches below, or reach out to us on our Contact Page.
Happy reading & writing!
~ Jordan & Kori
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Meet the Witches

Writer, bookwraith, goblin, and lover of the fantastical & phantasmal.
Jordan is an indie editor & creator of goblin wares, a dark fantasy writer & poet, and an open-world fantasy and D&D gamer who occasionally streams. When not hunched like a gargoyle over her laptop, she enjoys long walks in forbidden forests, escaping into books, and getting lost in music.

The way through the wood
Is dark and dangerous
The way 'cross the Veil
Is long and treacherous
Goblins may creep
Where the bean sídhes shriek
Where the wisps and the pisks
Float above the loam
J. A. Duncan


Bibliophile, small-business owner, amateur writer, lover of the occult and mystical arts.
Kori co-owns and operates a small business. When she's not making jewelry, she prefers to make magic by consulting cards and stars, writing fantasy, cooking up delicious meals, growing plant babies, and creating bookish content.